
微米 合资企业 backs teams that ignore hype and invest in the panic

安德鲁·伯恩斯| 2020年9月

沙巴体育结算平台? How original can you be when the world is contracting and focused on traditional core values?


The most creative teams adapt fastest to new global dynamics, and they will thrive.


我们投资于 准备好机器人 2019年末. This 公司 sells expensive robotic systems to manufacturers. 现在, 随着疫情的蔓延, it is difficult for the most seasoned companies to sell and deliver units to new customers. 但是READY很快做了两件事:


It defined a DIY kit by building documentation and step-by-step guides for customer self-deployment. 有了这种新方法, staff delivered units to one of the customers fighting hard to keep up with the demand for respirators in this critical time. READY’s customer said it best: “From unboxing to training and setup, this was one of the easiest operations I’ve ever experienced in the world of machining. 不仅如此,我们的机械师还觉得很有趣!”
\r\n看到问题. 为问题创造解决方案. 解决方案越有趣越好.






创业是苦差事. I don’t know of a single startup founder who can look back and say, “Wow, that was easy.”


正确看待挑战, 在最近的一次董事会上, 一个创始人, 还有他一半的手下, 曾患COVID-19, “我们的创业公司经历了那么多困难, 我想我不会把这场大流行列入前五名.”




现在下结论还太早了, 但对我来说, that statement epitomizes the ceaseless challenges that successful founders overcome. You can’t sit back and casually respond to what the world throws at you — because the world doesn’t give a damn if your startup succeeds or fails. 我们所做的. 我们必须为之奋斗. 我们必须成为战士.


阿特拉斯的人工智能 是战士.


是的,他们在一个拥挤的空间. And yes, Atlas is selling to customers in emerging markets. They’re a small team — with founders sitting in their ivory tower in Palo Alto — but top to bottom, Atlas is made up of some of the leading technologists in their fields. 虽然他们现在可能落后了, they are so intensely committed to achieving success in their mission that I honestly believe they will stop at nothing to win.


For kicks, when we invested, I “got up in the grill” of one of their co-founders, David Lobell. 就像和《沙巴体育安卓版下载》里的伊万·德拉戈聊天一样. Drago loses in the movie, but real-world Drago beats the Italian Stallion 10 out of 10.


勇士很可怕. 我是阿特拉斯的人工智能的粉丝.




以下是一些初创公司, 当我第一次听说他们的时候, 我觉得听起来很蠢:亚马逊, 脸谱网, Uber和Twitch. 我甚至告诉了Twitch的创始人, 面对面, that I thought Twitch was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard of … about 6 weeks before he sold for a billion.


My earliest lesson as a venture capitalist is that it doesn’t matter what I think; it matters what customers think. And in this universe — startups, VC — our customers are obsessed with new.


当我说我们想投资“冒险者”的时候,“我的意思是我们正在寻找新的想法, for people crazy enough to take a new concept and commit their lives to building that new thing, even when the world around them tells them they’re crazy.


现在, for some verticals (like semiconductor), “crazy” really would be … well, crazy. Ours is an industry built on decades of global academic and industrial collaboration. If Rodrigo and SambaNova were really crazy, they would never have raised a dime.


但是对于其他行业, there isn’t a built-in technology edifice mandated for participation, and bold innovation — taking true risk on new tech — is there for the taking.


的值? 胆大的人通常是第一个.


When I started at 微米 合资企业, we were closing on our 投资Volocopter. My first thought: flying electric taxis, what a hideously stupid idea.


我的第二个想法是:等一下. 我以前也见过愚蠢的想法. 美光喜欢这种愚蠢吗? 从 Volocopter网站,我了解到:

  • In 2011, Volocopter made the world’s first manned flight of an electrically powered aircraft.
  • \r\n
  • 2017年,Volocopter推出了世界上第一辆空中出租车.
  • \r\n


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通过COVID-19, 微米 合资企业 has invested in 人工智能和机器学习 startups driving transformative industrial value. 今天比以往任何时候都更重要, we’re investing in teams that embody qualities we believe define startup success. 这些团队是:

  • 集中
  • 有创意的
  • 勇士
  • 低空跳伞
  • 如果是你,我们谈谈.


Lesson learned — it’s really, really easy to get distracted during a pandemic. 意见更响亮. 焦虑更高. There are so many unknowns and so many places to look, spend time and guess.

在我创业的早期, 汉弗莱Polanen, 一个很棒的顾问, 形容我“像只小猫”, 在任何闪亮的东西上击球.“尤其是在初创公司的早期阶段, potential avenues that a founding team can decide to walk are seemingly limitless, and the temptation is extremely strong to derisk the future by following multiple avenues simultaneously.

焦点. 明确你的愿景. Align and guide your team in a coordinated effort, despite the noise around you.

我们最近投资的团队, Nexar,体现了专注的价值. Struggles of the automotive industry today are well known and documented: The pandemic has not only stopped global production and supply chains, 但现在没有人真的想要或需要买车. 但布鲁诺的执着, Eran and their team since inception — defining permanent value in their analytics technology as it applies to urban mobility — has positioned them for continued economic growth at a time when the majority of automotive companies are struggling.


你能以多快的速度转动? 你愿意用多奇怪的方式来销售你的沙巴体育结算平台? How original can you be when the world is contracting and focused on traditional core values?

The most creative teams adapt fastest to new global dynamics, and they will thrive.

我们投资于 准备好机器人 2019年末. This 公司 sells expensive robotic systems to manufacturers. 现在, 随着疫情的蔓延, it is difficult for the most seasoned companies to sell and deliver units to new customers. 但是READY很快做了两件事:

It defined a DIY kit by building documentation and step-by-step guides for customer self-deployment. 有了这种新方法, staff delivered units to one of the customers fighting hard to keep up with the demand for respirators in this critical time. READY’s customer said it best: “From unboxing to training and setup, this was one of the easiest operations I’ve ever experienced in the world of machining. 不仅如此,我们的机械师还觉得很有趣!”
看到问题. 为问题创造解决方案. 解决方案越有趣越好.



创业是苦差事. I don’t know of a single startup founder who can look back and say, “Wow, that was easy.”

正确看待挑战, 在最近的一次董事会上, 一个创始人, 还有他一半的手下, 曾患COVID-19, “我们的创业公司经历了那么多困难, 我想我不会把这场大流行列入前五名.”


现在下结论还太早了, 但对我来说, that statement epitomizes the ceaseless challenges that successful founders overcome. You can’t sit back and casually respond to what the world throws at you — because the world doesn’t give a damn if your startup succeeds or fails. 我们所做的. 我们必须为之奋斗. 我们必须成为战士.

阿特拉斯的人工智能 是战士.

是的,他们在一个拥挤的空间. And yes, Atlas is selling to customers in emerging markets. They’re a small team — with founders sitting in their ivory tower in Palo Alto — but top to bottom, Atlas is made up of some of the leading technologists in their fields. 虽然他们现在可能落后了, they are so intensely committed to achieving success in their mission that I honestly believe they will stop at nothing to win.

For kicks, when we invested, I “got up in the grill” of one of their co-founders, David Lobell. 就像和《沙巴体育安卓版下载》里的伊万·德拉戈聊天一样. Drago loses in the movie, but real-world Drago beats the Italian Stallion 10 out of 10.

勇士很可怕. 我是阿特拉斯的人工智能的粉丝.


以下是一些初创公司, 当我第一次听说他们的时候, 我觉得听起来很蠢:亚马逊, 脸谱网, Uber和Twitch. 我甚至告诉了Twitch的创始人, 面对面, that I thought Twitch was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard of … about 6 weeks before he sold for a billion.

My earliest lesson as a venture capitalist is that it doesn’t matter what I think; it matters what customers think. And in this universe — startups, VC — our customers are obsessed with new.

当我说我们想投资“冒险者”的时候,“我的意思是我们正在寻找新的想法, for people crazy enough to take a new concept and commit their lives to building that new thing, even when the world around them tells them they’re crazy.

现在, for some verticals (like semiconductor), “crazy” really would be … well, crazy. Ours is an industry built on decades of global academic and industrial collaboration. If Rodrigo and SambaNova were really crazy, they would never have raised a dime.

但是对于其他行业, there isn’t a built-in technology edifice mandated for participation, and bold innovation — taking true risk on new tech — is there for the taking.

的值? 胆大的人通常是第一个.

When I started at 微米 合资企业, we were closing on our 投资Volocopter. My first thought: flying electric taxis, what a hideously stupid idea.

我的第二个想法是:等一下. 我以前也见过愚蠢的想法. 美光喜欢这种愚蠢吗? 从 Volocopter网站,我了解到:

  • In 2011, Volocopter made the world’s first manned flight of an electrically powered aircraft.
  • 2017年,Volocopter推出了世界上第一辆空中出租车.


这就是冒险者的下场: Volocopter将C轮融资扩大至9400万美元.

COVID很糟糕,但这不是世界末日. 它正在重塑世界. 集中, creative warrior daredevils will reap the benefits of this reshaping.




Andy is with 微米’s AI fund investing in some of the world’s top startups. 他是一个正在恢复的创业公司创始人, 作家, 太阳能/电池材料怪胎, and when he’s not thinking about technology innovation and startups, he’s probably running or doing something weird with his young’uns. 而且他很喜欢用"年轻人"这样的词.”