Trademark Usage Guidelines


Micron’s trademarks, service marks, trade dress, and logos (“Trademarks”) represent intellectual property rights owned by Micron and as such are valued assets of Micron. These Trademarks, whether registered or unregistered, must be used in accordance with these Trademark Usage Guidelines (“Guidelines”).

Any use of a Micron Trademark must comply with applicable laws and requires strict compliance with these Guidelines. While in some instances wordmarks can be used without a license to truthfully convey information about Micron’s products or services or compatibility therewith as long as the use does not cause confusion as to source or affiliation, any other use of a Micron Trademark requires an appropriate license agreement. Micron’s logo marks can never be used by third parties without express authorization by Micron. Requests for a trademark license may be submitted to Upon approval, Micron will provide appropriate logo files for your use.

By using any Micron Trademarks, you acknowledge that Micron is the sole owner of the Trademarks and agree not to interfere with Micron’s rights in the Trademarks, including challenging Micron’s use, registration of, or application to register such Trademarks. You agree that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute any Micron Trademarks and that the goodwill, if any, derived from your use of any Micron Trademarks exclusively inures to the benefit of and belongs to Micron. You may not use any Micron Trademarks in metatags, search fields, hidden text, or any other form that has the purpose or effect of diverting or confusing consumers without Micron's prior written permission.

Applicability of Guidelines

These Guidelines apply to Micron employees, customers, licensees, consultants, authorized resellers, outside vendors, reporters, and other third parties. Note that if you are a licensee of a Micron Trademark, the license agreement that you signed with Micron may contain specific usage guidelines that differ from those contained within these Guidelines, and in such case you should follow those specific guidelines provided within such license agreement. If you are a licensee, but have been provided no special guidelines, then follow these Guidelines.

List of Micron Trademarks

The list of Micron Trademarks provided here may be updated with new information from time-to-time and without notice and should be referred to regularly. Note that the list may not be comprehensive, and the omission of a Micron Trademark from the list does not represent any waiver of any intellectual property rights of Micron in or to such Trademark. Other product names or trademarks, including those appearing on Micron’s websites, that are not owned by Micron are for identification purposes only and may be the registered or unregistered trademarks of their respective owners. No license or right is granted by Micron by implication, estoppel or otherwise to any such third-party names or trademarks or to the Micron Trademarks hereby. If in doubt about whether a particular name, mark or logo is a Micron Trademark, or if you have any questions about the use of Micron's Trademarks, contact Micron’s Legal Department for assistance.

Brilliant Memory Solutions®
Built to WinTM
Intelligence Accelerated®
The Memory & Storage ExpertsTM



Referring to Micron Products/Services

When referring to Micron products or services use the applicable Trademark and ensure that such references: (i) are truthful, fair, and not misleading; and (ii) comply with these Guidelines. Note that these Guidelines may be modified by Micron from time-to-time in its sole discretion. Specifically, ensure that you:

1. follow the directives within these Guidelines;
2. use the appropriate trademark symbol and acknowledgment of Micron's ownership of the particular Trademark;
3. do not incorporate Micron Trademarks into your own trademarks, service marks, logos, or company names; and
4. do not adopt marks or logos that imitate, play on, refer to, or are confusingly similar to any Micron Trademarks.

Use of Micron Trademarks

When using a Micron Trademark, ensure that you:

1. Except in the case of slogans and taglines, ALWAYS use a Trademark as an adjective, accompanied by an appropriate generic noun that defines the relevant product or service (e.g. “Micron® NAND Flash memory is an excellent product”). Do NOT use a Trademark as a noun (e.g. “Micron® is an excellent product”).
2. Do NOT pluralize a Trademark or make it possessive.
3. Do NOT combine a Trademark with other words, symbols, or numbers, either as one word or with a hyphen.
4. Do NOT abbreviate or alter a Trademark.
5. Do Not change the color or typeface of a Trademark featuring a design element.
6. ALWAYS use such Trademark as an adjective, accompanied by an appropriate noun (e.g. “Micron® NAND Flash memory is an excellent product”). Do NOT use a Trademark as a noun (e.g. “Micron® is an excellent product”). Do NOT pluralize a Trademark or make it possessive. Do NOT combine a Trademark with other words, symbols, or numbers, either as one word or with a hyphen. Do NOT abbreviate a Trademark;
7. ALWAYS use the proper spelling and the proper trademark symbol (®, ™ or SM as applicable). For the trademark symbol, use the superscript format, but if this is not possible, then use parentheses ((R), (TM) or (SM) as applicable); and

Identification of Micron Trademarks

1. In letters, memos, press releases, white papers, advertising, slides, foils, video, and other multimedia presentations, ensure that you properly identify (with ®, ™ or SM as applicable) each Micron Trademark at the most prominent use (often in the headline) and again in the first occurrence. For presentation graphics, each Micron Trademark should be designated with the proper trademark symbol on each page, slide, and foil;
2. In newsletters, magazines, and publications containing multiple articles, properly identify each Micron Trademark in the first occurrence in the Table of Contents, in headlines and in the first occurrence in every article in which it is used;
3. In brochures, financial reports, books, white papers, data sheets, technical documentation, and other bound documents, properly identify each Micron Trademark in the first occurrence in the Table of Contents, in headlines, and in the first occurrence in text;
4. In all charts and graphs, properly identify each Micron Trademark, as such charts and graphs could become separated, copied and used independently; and
5. In all Micron Trademark tag lines (e.g. "The Memory & Storage ExpertsTM"), always use the proper trademark symbol in every such reference.

Proper Use Examples of Micron Trademarks

Micron® memory device
Crucial® memory module
SpecTek® memory component
Crucial®Ballistix® memory module;

Acknowledgement of Micron Trademarks

Ensure that you include a proper trademark ownership notice that identifies each Micron Trademark used as being owned by Micron Technology, Inc. (e.g. "Micron® and the Micron orbit logo are trademarks of Micron Technology, Inc.")


Use of “Micron” as a Trademark vs. Trade name

“Micron” is not only a trademark used to identify Micron’s products and services; it also serves as Micron’s company name. Therefore, the word “Micron” is generally used in two (2) different ways: (i) as a trade name to identify Micron Technology, Inc. the company; or (ii) as a trademark to identify its various products. “Micron” is used as a trade name when Micron Technology, Inc. the company is taking some action or referenced as having some attribute (e.g. “Micron announced its earnings for this quarter”). When referenced as a trade name, there is no need to include a trademark symbol after “Micron”. “Micron” is used as a trademark when Micron is an adjective used as a brand name for its products (e.g. “Micron® NAND Flash devices are aimed at mobile and consumer applications”). When referenced as a trademark, include the proper trademark symbol after “Micron.

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